Teaching Roles (Langdon)
Langdon Academy is one of the schools within our multi-academy trust, Brampton Manor Trust. The other school is Brampton Manor Academy. Langdon Academy is a rapidly improving 3-16 school located in East Ham and in 2015, 56% of the students achieved 5 or more A*-C grades (including English & Maths) and the % of students achieving the English Baccalaureate was the third highest in Newham, at 34%. Langdon Academy occupies extensive grounds and is extremely well resourced. There is strong collaborative working between both of our schools, which are minutes from each other. Brampton Manor Trust is an outstanding employer serving nearly 4000 students in East Ham. There is a strong emphasis on learning and teaching and excellent professional development opportunities for staff at all stages of their career.
Please feel free to visit the Langdon Academy website at: www.langdonacademy.org for more details about Langdon Academy.
Note: Brampton Manor Trust is committed to the safeguarding of children. Enhanced DBS checks will always be carried out on new employees.
Completed application forms should be emailed to jobs@bramptonmanor.org
There are currently no vacancies.